Monday, 25 January 2016

WiradFURY - Wiradhuri>English?

In this task, we had to take the role of a lawyer supporting the language with previously discussed in our podcasts.

For Wiradjuri:
Intrinsic: Cultural connection, dreamtime stories, historical connection, connection to the land/heritage
Extrinsic: Building bridges that were broken during colonization, respectful to speak the language of the aboriginals
Functional: Specialized to Australia, the land and heritage

Opposing English:
Intrinsic: Definition of rich/noble is subjective; ‘Rich’ to Aboriginals is focused less on societal gain and more related to their land, way that English took over was not ‘noble’
Extrusive: English taught because it was forced to be taught, believed to be superior therefor taught, belief comes from West (like the teachers employed)

Functional: Spoken by all due to that above (forced upon all cultures through hegemonic imperialism), it’s a gateway with significant limits; it cannot open gates to the Wiradjuri people but rather causes alienation

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