Saturday, 26 September 2015

Understanding 怎么样 den cerveau spricht двух idiomas - Understanding How the Brain Speaks Two Languages

I found parts of Jeffrey Kluger’s article about multilingualism quite questionable in that the majority of the information provided is, as the author described, “based primarily on his [Sean Lynch] own observations”. He believes that young children face difficulties with learning two languages simultaneously, but has long-term benefits including cognitive health, improved decision-making and problem solving.
I have never had the joy of realizing that what I perceive in one language is different to what I perceive in another. I cannot tell you how much I wish I could. The tests conducted within this article strongly support the fact that bilingualism or multilingualism is good for us; not only our health, but how we perform and think. This demonstrates a clear correspondence with what we have previously discussed.

I hope that one day I get the chance to learn the majority of another language. I would love to be bueno en español. Even without the cognitive advantages, the ability to effectively communicate with more people increases our purpose as social beings.

Friday, 25 September 2015

You Say Cup, I Say Mug

“There is nothing in human endeavor to which language is not connected.” This compelling article talked about the effect that language has on your thinking and perception of the world around us, and used fantastic examples in time, intent and space to do so.
We have talked about how our language influences the way in which we perceive poems or other literature, but this reading extended that to the belief that it actually affects the way in which we perceive everything. People of different languages describe activities and daily aspects differently, meaning that their perception of these activities also differs.
My favourite example was Justin Timberlake’s wardrobe incident, as how we describe the issue determines the extremity of Timberlake’s punishment despite everyone viewing the exact same incident, illustrating the influence that language has.
I found myself concerned with the scenario depicting Indonesian perception of time, as the author claimed that viewers of the photos saw "no difference between the photos." Although Indonesians have little description of time, surely they can recognise differences in these images. The information provided seems dubitable.

This article has furthered my knowledge on language, and I look forward to ameliorating this understanding.

Language is no Smart Chart

Our accents are a denotative feature of our identity, but never should any stereotypes be made, especially those regarding one’s intelligence, based on the accent that we possess.
This belief, which I strongly agree with, is one evoked within the article “Yorkshire named top twang as Brummie brogue comes bottom” written by David Batty. Talking about a study which displayed stereotypes towards those with the particular Birmingham accent compared to other English accents and even silence, as people believed models with this accent were less intelligent than those without.
This issue is one we have previously discussed in class, especially within Amy Tan’s story in which her mother was perceived as less intelligent due to inability to speak English to a high degree. Throughout this I think we all agreed that never should these assumptions be made based on completely unrelated aspects of someone’s identity, such as accent or second language communication, but rather on their ideas and thoughts.

This article enlightened me in that I never considered that assumptions including level of intelligence can be constructed based on something as miniscule as the pronunciation of certain words. I think it will assist my journey as I strive to understand the effect that language has on our identities and others’ perceptions of us.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Mother Tongue Unsung - StereoTYPICAL

Throughout the course of history, stereotypes have been as prevalent as fat people in the United States. Point proven. In all seriousness, stereotypes can be detrimental to society, often associated with racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Being Australian, I am the subject of a significant amount of stereotypes (all in the nature of banter of course), as many of us are in an international school, which I never ‘copped’ (an Aussie term meaning receive) back home. From this example among many, it is a fair conclusion that wherever there is diversity there will be stereotypes.
In Mother Tongue, Amy Tan writes about her experience with English as someone of Chinese origin, alluding to issues such as the importance of one’s native language, school career steering and most saliently (in my opinion), stereotypes of non-native speakers.
Amy’s mother, a second language English speaker, is a pivotal demonstration of these stereotypes in her struggle against native speakers. The fact that others “did not give her good service” due to her linguistic differences exposes one of the many stereotypical obstacles within society. It is their right that anyone, regardless of their English abilities, must be provided an equivalent amount of service. This is clearly lacking in this woman’s story.
In a situation as extreme as finding out the condition of her brain tumor, you can imagine the concern when the hospital refused to provide her diagnosis without justification, until, OF COURSE, the fluent English speaker turns up. We have spoken about relational activities, in which you change how you speak to different people or in different situations, however depriving someone of vital information because they don’t speak English is NOT one of these. It is discrimination. Despite the mum’s belief that she spoke “very good English”, she still was not treated with decency due to others’ stereotypes.
I find it insane that anyone views someone with broken English or difficulty in English to be any lesser than them. As a one-language speaker, I have the highest respect for anyone who can speak two, three or even more different languages, and swap between them at an instinct. I find it hard enough to get a 7 on a Phase 1 Arabic class let alone speak two languages in complexity. If you are one of those people, kudos my friend.
What makes it worse is that in this story, as a little girl, even Amy “believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say”. This reflects the illustration passed through society: English is the superior language due to the superpowers which primarily speak it; if you do not speak English, you are automatically inferior. The ignorance and arrogance within many English-speaking countries – such as that shown when we travel and expect foreigners to speak our language – has a serious effect on the rest of the world (especially foreigners living in these countries) and must be addressed.

This was a bit of a more serious blog than my others. I hope that it was still compelling and not as boring as Belgians (keep in mind I found this stereotype online #nohate). See you when you’re older.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Good English and a Bad Blog Post

So, here I am rapidly typing away in my physics lesson because I just looked at Managebac and discovered that I had to do a blog post in response to our reading last night and all I’ve done is a small paragraph answering half a question.
Good English and Bad was eyebrow-pluckingly boring, if that even is English. That being said, it was a little bit interesting knowing the roots of our language and how it really is a bunch of gibberish that a few people have made up and others have just followed.
The questions for us are: Given all the anomalies in the English Language, what is the author saying suggesting about standards of usage? How does his discussion make you feel about your own lapses in grammar?
Within this essay, the author is suggesting that our standards of usage of English are developed because those before us say that the language should be communicated a certain way and others follow, eventually creating rules. He also conveys his disagreement with the implementation of Latin grammar and influence.
Since I have grown up learning English and only English, these rules have never had a negative effect on me. As nice as it would be for verbs to be the same whether they are past, present, future or plural, I have never known anything else and as a result I have naturally adopted it. I make mistakes every now and then, but it has never really bothered me.

I don’t look forward to reading more essays like this, but I do look forward to the knowledge and understanding I attain from them. Time to get this post up before I get detention. 

Sunday, 13 September 2015

The Name Game

Our names are interesting aspects of ourselves. They are the first thing you tell someone when you meet them, and often have more behind them than a string of vowels and consonants. I have never really felt the connection with my name, so I have posted the following short verse about it:

Last name Thomson, first name Ben,

Here’s another boring blog for you to read again.

Ben Benny Benji Bonji Boodge Boodgen Beno,

Benjamin James if you didn’t get the memo.

I ain’t about that traditional life,

“Son of my right hand”, hah, more like:

The type of guy you aspire to be,

Not labelled by my origins, nah, not me.

Thom-son, son of Thom,

Let me be my own cuz frankly I’m the bomb.

Why am I named to reference those preceding?

Fathers let me be the one leading.

It’s MY time to be the one to know,

Bit of Bing, bit of Bang, bit of Boom ‘ALLO!

To clear up any loose ends, my first name is of Hebrew origin translating to “Son of my right hand”. My last name means son of Thomas (whoever that is lol). “Cuz” means because and “Bing Bang Boom ‘ALLO (Hello)” is a young phrase with a meaning that few people understand, but it sounds great doesn’t it (little bit of credit to Owais for the line)?

I look forward to more creative posts.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Who is Ben the Blabbering Blogger?

I love the fact that every year, we all follow a cycle of looking back on what we did the previous year and realising how stupid we were, then thinking we’re much more mature or intelligent until we look back again the next year. I look forward to the day in which I look back on something I did as the logical thing to do, being proud of the decision I made. This is the kind of person I am. I am consistently on a quest to better myself. I try to apply this idea in everything I do as I need to improve to be satisfied with anything I do.
I am Ben Thomson, just another 16 year old writing a blog because his overenthusiastic English teacher told him to. I am an Australian living in the Mad Max esque city of Abu Dhabi, out in that country that no one knows until they’re parents tell them they’re moving there for that sweet sweet moolah.

I’ve always been a football addict. Whether I’m playing, coaching, refereeing or watching (I’ve done them all), football is one of the fundamentals behind the young man I am developing into today. I love the game more than any other sport, although I’m always looking for others to try because sport in general is brilliant.
When I’m not trying to improve all aspects of my football, I spend time going to the gym (for tha gainz of course), watching TV shows/movies and learning stuff. I love school cuz there’s no better feeling than knowing something someone else am I right? And I guess the understanding stuff is ok to…
I have an older brother living the college life in the beautiful Oz and a little sister attending Raha, both of whom I despise in a loving kind of way – that’s what siblings are for after all – and the best parents I could be blessed with. I said football had a big impact on my life, but my parents have been like ants to an anteater. It’s not nice to compare your parents to small six-legged critters that you squish in two fingers, but that’s not the point. They are the source of my success. They have helped me to get where I am, and continue to help me get where I’m going (even though I haven’t decided where that is yet).
Kind of like language I guess. Without language, we are 7 billion individuals doing nothing all at the same time. Ha, imagine that. It would look funny for half a minute, but I like having a purpose and expression, and I feel language is helped develop that. Whether it be learning to talk, being read bedtime stories, asking for help or tossing cheeky banter with the lads, language is the basis behind all my relationships. Even just seeing bae all slow and drowsy can be a form of language. It is a powerful tool and without, we have no communication and no connection. We have nothing.

At the beginning of this cringe-worthy blog post, I was dreading all the following inputs, but the words are just flowing in my head now like electrons in a circuit of 3 Amps (LOL, good one Benji). I look forward to my blog challenges in the future until I get out of this joint and into the next prison going by the name of “Adulthood”.